SAMPLE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT THIS PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT ("Agreement") made and effective this [date] by and between the following individuals referred to in this Agreement as the "Partners": [list names of partners]. The Partners wish to set forth in a written agreement the terms and conditions by which they will associate themselves in the Partnership. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the promises contained in this Agreement the Partners affirm in writing their associatio ...n as a partnership in accordance with the following provisions: ○. Name and Place of Business. The name of the partnership shall be called [name of partnership] (the "Partnership"). Its principal place of business shall be [city and state of principal place of business] until changed by agreement of the Partners but the Partnership may own property and transact business in any and all other places as may from time to time be agreed upon by the Partners. ○. Purpose. The purpose of th
서 식 명 : 제휴동의서-영문
카테고리 :패키지.모음서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 312
다운로드 : 319
문서번호 : 84-FO-64899