SAMPLE BETA TEST AGREEMENT This Beta Test Agreement ("Agreement") is made and effective this [date] by and between name of developer] ("Developer") and [name of recipient] ("Recipient"). Developer is the owner of a prototype product identified [list name of product] (the "Product") which it desires to have tested by a prospective user in what is commonly referred to as "Beta Test". The Product contains valuable confidential trade secret information owned by Developer. The Recipient desires to te and evaluate the Product for suitability for use in its business. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the promises set forth herein the parties hereto agree as follows: ○. Arrangement. Developer agrees to provide to Recipient the Product and Recipient accepts the Product subject to the terms of this Agreement. Recipient agrees to test and evaluate the Product as provided herein report to Developer with respect to the usefulness and functionality of Product and return the Product to
서 식 명 : 베타테스트동의서샘플-영문
카테고리 :패키지.모음서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 118
다운로드 : 287
문서번호 : 3C-FO-64957