SAMPLE CONSIGNMENT SALES AGREEMENT [manufacturer] referred to as SELLER and [person receiving goods] referred to a CONSIGNMENT MERCHANT agree: [manufacturer] consigns to [person receiving goods] the following goods: [describe goods] The title shall remain in the SELLER at all times until a final sale. SELLER may recall and take possession of the consigned property at any time. Insurance Clause (optional) State if CONSIGNMENT MERCHANT has responsibility to maintain insurance with SELLER listed as ... "Loss Payee". Note if SELLER has the right to maintain such insurance should CONSIGNMENT MERCHANT fail to maintain it. CONSIGNMENT MERCHANT shall sell the goods consigned at a price not below $ [minimum sales price]. As compensation CONSIGNMENT MERCHANT shall receive a commission of [commission rate]% per sale. CONSIGNMENT MERCHANT shall provide an accounting under oath or otherwise verified every [number of days between accountings] days to SELLER. Each accounting shall be acc
서 식 명 : 위탁판매동의서샘플-영문
카테고리 :패키지.모음서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 241
다운로드 : 348
문서번호 : 55-FO-64916