AGENCY AGREEMENT AGENCY AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into on of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of (hereinafter referred to as Company) and (hereinafter referred to as Representative) WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, "Company" manufactures and/or sells products and WHEREAS, "Representative" desires to perform certain services on behalf of "Company" with respect to the following products : NOW THEREFORE in consideration of mutua
...l conditions and obligations hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: Article ○.PRODUCTS "Company" hereby appoints "Representative", and "Representative" hereby accepts appointment as "Company's" independent sales reperesentative to promote and assist in the sales of the products as listed below: Article ○. TERRITORY The sales territory designated hereto is the geographical area of the Republic of Korea as well as the area mutually...
수입대리점계약서(영문)외국어서식 > 영문서식
AGENCY AGREEMENT AGENCY AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into on of by ...
![아래한글 다운로드 아래한글 파일 다운로드](/images/btn_down_hwp.png)
조회 : 25다운로드 : 214
수입대리점(최초변경)계약심사청구서 (한문)민원행정서식 > 공정거래위원회
○ 수입대리점(최초[○].변경)계약심사청구서 〔別表 ○〕 輸入代理店(最初 ○;變更)契約審査要請書 處理期間 ○日以內 國內事業者 業 體 名 資 本 ...
![아래한글 다운로드 아래한글 파일 다운로드](/images/btn_down_hwp.png)
조회 : 86다운로드 : 236
수입판매대리점계약서 (영문)외국어서식 > 영문서식
수입판매대리점계약서 DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT This Distributorship Agreement (this " ...
![아래한글 다운로드 아래한글 파일 다운로드](/images/btn_down_hwp.png)
조회 : 57다운로드 : 244
수입 대리점(최초·변경)계약심사 요청서민원행정서식 > 공정거래위원회
〔別表 ○〕 〔別表 ○〕 輸入代理店(最初 ○;變更)契約審査要請書 處理期間 ○日以內 國內事業者 業 體 名 資 本 金 總 資 産 代 表 者 姓 名 ...
조회 : 185다운로드 : 462
수입대리점(최초,변경)계약심사요청서민원행정서식 > 보건복지부
〔別表 ○〕 〔別表 ○〕 輸入代理店(最初 ○;變更)契約審査要請書 處理期間 ○日以內 國內事業者 業 體 名 資 本 金 總 資 産 代 表 者 姓名 賣 ...
조회 : 124다운로드 : 214
수입대리점계약서-영문패키지.모음서식 > 영문서식
AGENCY AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into o ...
조회 : 269다운로드 : 334
석유판매업(일반대리점·용제대리점)등록신청서민원행정서식 > 산업통상자원부
(별지 제○호서식)(신설 : ○.○.○) (별지 제○호서식)(신설 : ○.○.○) 석유판매업(일반대리점 ○;용제대리점)등록신청서 처기기간 ○일 ...
조회 : 174다운로드 : 258