AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT(재정보증서) AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT I, the undersigned, a citizen of Republic of Korea, duly swear that I am financially able and willing to support my son, 자신의 이름 for all the expenses including tuitions, fees, living expenses and other miscellaneous expenses during his stay in the United States of America. ■ APPLICANT Full name Date of Birth ID Number Mailing Address Term of Study ■ GUARANTOR Full name Relationship to Applicant ID Number Address This affidavit of support is made fo ...r the purpose of assuring the U.S. Government that the applicant named above will not in any way become a public charge if he is admitted to the United States of America. Date : Very Truly Yours,
서 식 명 : 재정보증서약서(Affidavit Of Support)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 54
다운로드 : 222
문서번호 : F5F-15-87193