재직증명서(영문) Certificate of Employment No. Personal Data Name in full:K.I.D. No:Present Address:Employment Data Working Section:Position:Period of Working:Usage:This is to certify thasent...
○ 재직증명서(영문) ○?z EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE Document No. ○ ○ Full Name Date of Birth Resident ID No. Place of Origin Present Address Employment Period This is to certify that the above Resident...
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거래명세표(영문,한글) 거래 명세표 No. ○ 공 급 자 DATE:○. ○. ○ 등록번호 거 래 명 세 표 상 호 성명 (인) 사업장주소 STATEMENT OF TRANSACTION (주)○ 貴下 업 태 종목 總 計 (₩ ○,○,○) GRAND TOTAL:內 容 DESCRIPTION 規 格 SIZE 數 量 Q'TY 單 價TEMENT...
입찰서(영문) BIDDING SPECIFICATION Purchase Requirement Number:DATE: Page:○/○ Commodity Q'TY MAKER:SUPPLIER:AGENT:Specification Requirement for ETRI Bidding Specification (업체) Ⅰ. GENERAty...
의료보험서식 (영문) MEDICAL INSURANCE CARD THE INSURED DATA Certificate NO.: (증번호) Name in full: (성명) K.I.D NO.: (주민등록) Date of Issue: (발행일) Name of Company: (회사명) Company NO.: (사업장 번호) FAin...
포장명세서(영문) (○) PACKING LIST ① Shipper/Exporter ⑧ No.& Date of Invoice ⑨ Remarks:② For Account & Risk of Messrs. ③ Notify Party ④ Port of Loading ⑤ Final Destination ⑥ Carrieks:②...
지방세세목별과세증명서(영문) Issue No.:○ ○ ○ ○ CERTIFICATE OF LOCAL TAX PAYMENT Tax Payer Name Hong, Gil Dong K.I.D ○ ○ Address ○ Dong, ○ City, ○ Do Object address Land, B/D Items Year Term Te...
재직증명서 (영문 ○) EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE Document No. OO OOO Full Name Date of Birth Resident ID No. Place of Origin Present Address Employment Period This is to certify that the above Resident...
재직증명서 (비자용 영문) Incumbent Certificates Use: visa application Name:(자기이름) Position:(직책) Date of Employment:(입사일) Resident Registration No.:(주민등록번호) Address:(현주소) This is to certify t:(직책)...
재직증명서 (영문 ○) Certificate of Employment Issue No.:○OO Name in Full:Hong, Kill Dong Date of Birth:Mar O ○OO Period of Employment:Apr O ○OO up to now Position:Assistant Manager Organig...
포장명세서(영문) (○) PACKING LIST ① Shipper/Exporter ⑧ No.& Date of Invoice ⑨ Remarks:② For Account & Risk of Messrs. ③ Notify Party ④ Port of Loading ⑤ Final Destination ⑥ Carrieks:②...
재직증명서 (영문 ○) Certificate of Employment No. Personal Data Name in full:K.I.D. No:Present Address:Employment Data Working Section:Position:Period of Working:Usage:This is to certify Present...
재직증명서 (영문 ○) CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT Name in full:OOO OOO OOO Position:OOOO Name of Company:OOOO Period:OOOO This is to certify that above mentioned person is presently employed me...
퇴직증명서 (영문) Certificate of Retirement No.:OOOO Present Address:OOO OOO OOO OOO Name in full:OOO OOO OOO K.I.D. No:OOOO Working Section:OOOO Position:OOOO Date of Admission:O. O, ○OOme...
재직증명서 (영문) Issue No.:OO Certificate of Employment Personal Data Name in Full:ID No.:OOOOOO OOOOOO Address:Position:Teacher Duration of Service:Oct O, ○OO Aug O, ○OO(Present) Use:No.:OOOOOO...