기술정보 및 지적소유권에 관한 서약서 Agreement Regarding Confidential Information and Intellectual Property 기술정보 및 지적소유권에 관한 서약서 In consideration of my employment by ◇◇ Korea, inc. (hereinafter referred to as ◇◇) or my continued employment at will by and payment to me of the salary or other compensation that shall receive during my employment, I agree as follows: 본인이 ◇◇◇◇주식회사(이하 ◇◇라 한다)에 입사하여 재직하는 동안 또는 계속하여 재직하는 동안 임금 또는 기타의 보상을 받는 대가로서 다음과 같이 서약합니다. ― 다 음 ― ○. I will not, without ◇◇'s prior written permission ..., disclose to anyone outside of ◇◇ or use in other than ◇◇'s business, either during or after my employment, any confidential information or material of ◇◇ or its Related Companies, any information or material received in confidence from third parties by ◇◇ or its Related Companies. if I leave the employ of ◇◇ I will retum all ◇◇ property in my possession, including all confidential information or material such as drawings, notebooks, r
서 식 명 : 서약서 (기술정보지적소유권)
카테고리 :샘플서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 53
다운로드 : 232
문서번호 : B74-7E-96014