commercial invoice (sample) 상 업 송 장 (COMMECIAL INVOICE) ① Shipper/Exporter,kr,.LTD ○ ○ Dowon Dong Dal Seo Gu Daegu city Korea ⑧ No. & date of invoice MBA ○Q (Sep. ○. ○) ⑨ No. & date of L/C ○/○k (May. ○. ○) ② For account & risk of Messers. King Bangkok Seller L.P. Bangkok, Thailand (○)L/C issuing bank First Bangkok City Bank, Bangkok (')Remarks : Import Declaration No. ③ Notify party King Bangkok Seller L.P. Bangkok, Thailand ④ Port of loading Daegu, Korea ⑤ Final destin
...ation Bangkok, Thailand ⑥ Carrier VEGA ⑦Sailing on orabout Dec. ○.○ (○)Marks & numbers of Pkgs. ())Description of Goods (○)Quantity/unit (+)Unit price (○)Amount L.M.S ○.○M/T of Stainless Steel
상업송장 (샘플)샘플서식 > 거래샘플 > 주문/납품
commercial invoice (sample) 상 업 송 장 (COMMECIAL INVOICE) ① Shipper/Exporter Micro ...

조회 : 46다운로드 : 200
상업송장 (영문) invoice (1)외국어서식 > 영문서식
상업송장 COMMERCIAL INVOICE ①Seller ⑦Invoice No. and date ⑧L/C No. and date ②Consign ...

조회 : 203다운로드 : 425
상업송장 (영문) invoice (2)외국어서식 > 영문서식
COMMERCIAL INVOICE COMMERCIAL INVOICE ① Shipper/Exporter ⑧ No.& Date of Invo ...

조회 : 149다운로드 : 313
commercialinvoice (상업송장)외국어서식 > 영문서식
commercial invoice 상 업 송 장 (COMMECIAL INVOICE) ① Shipper/Exporter ⑧ No. & da ...

조회 : 34다운로드 : 241
조회 : 185다운로드 : 428