일반적인 근무수칙 (영문) Sample of General Work Rules ────────────────────────────────────────── JnB Inc. wants to encourage a safe and pleasant work atmosphere. This can only happen when everyone cooperates and commits to appropriate standards of behavior. The following is a list of behaviors that the company considers unacceptable. Any employee found engaging in these behaviors will be subject to disciplinary actions including reprimand, warning, layoff, or dismissal: ○. Failure to be at the work place ..., ready to work, at the regular starting time. ○. Willfully damaging, destroying, or stealing property belonging to fellow employees or the company. ○. Fighting or engaging in horseplay or disorderly conduct. ○. Refusing or failing to carry out any instructions of a supervisor. ○. Leaving your work station (except for reasonable personal needs) without permission from your supervisor. ○. Ignoring work duties or loafing during working hours. ○. Coming to work under the influence of alcohol or any...
서 식 명 : 일반적인근무수칙 (영문)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 15
다운로드 : 186
문서번호 : 8F1-F3-87318