GRAPHIC DESIGN GRAPHIC DESIGN Jay Own Bill ○ Marvin Gardens, Apt. ○B Tallyho, MA ○ (○) ○ ○ OBJECTIVE To obtain an entry level position as a graphic designer that will utilize my creative, leadership and organizational skills. COMPUTER SKILLS Proficient in: Ms office Program, Adobe Photoshop ○.○, Adobe Acrobat Exchange ○.○ (Reader and Distiller), Macromedia Dreamweaver ○.○. Experienced with: Aldus Freehand ○.○, Macromedia Fontographer ○.○., other graphics and multimedia software." INTERPERSO ...NAL/COMMUNICATION SKILLS Public Relations, Marketing, Teaching, Technical Support, Alumni Relations, Performing EXPERIENCE Castle Music: Basilica, Massachusetts. September ○ March ○. B & B Club and Restaurant: Oxford, Massachusetts. July ○ September ○. Computer Science Department, Major University: Beantown, Massachusetts. Spring ○. The Collegiate A Cappella Alumni Association. Spring ○ present. Ads! Ads! Ads! Bright Light, New York. Voice overs and television commercials. July ○ pre...
서 식 명 : GraphicDesign (영문)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 18
다운로드 : 146
문서번호 : 2BD-DA-87433