영문제안서 Exporter & Manufactures Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul OFFER SHEET We are pleased to offer the under ○;mentioned article(s) as per conditions and details described as follows Itesed...
Exporter & Manufactures Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul OFFER SHEET We are pleased to offer the under mentioned article(s) as per conditions and details described as follows Items No. C...
Exporter Exporter & Manufactures Messrs.Our Ref. Seoul OFFER SHEET We are pleased to offer the under mentioned article(s) as per conditions and details described as follows Iteeased...
* 발송정보 □ BANKER'S USANCE □SHIPPER'S USANCE □TRANSFER L/C □ CONFIRMED L/C □ We have remitted$being%of the inovice value($ )to the payee as specified in the credit. □ We authorize yove...
* 발송정보 □ BANKER'S USANCE □SHIPPER'S USANCE □TRANSFER L/C □ CONFIRMED L/C □ We have remitted$being%of the inovice value($ )to the payee as specified in the credit. □ We authorize yove...
Offer Sheet 물 품 매 도 확 약 서 (OFFER SHEET) Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul ...................................... We are pleased to offer the under mentioned article(s) as per conditions and d........................
* 발송정보 □ BANKER'S USANCE □SHIPPER'S USANCE □TRANSFER L/C □ CONFIRMED L/C □ We have remitted$being%of the inovice value($ )to the payee as specified in the credit. □ We authorize yove...
물품매도확약서(Offer Sheet) 물 품 매 도 확 약 서 (OFFER SHEET) Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul ...................................... We are pleased to offer the under mentioned article(s) as per conditi.................................
물품매도확약서(Offer Sheet) 물 품 매 도 확 약 서 (OFFER SHEET) Messrs. Our Ref. Seoul ...................................... We are pleased to offer the under mentioned article(s) as per conditi.................................
offer sheet OFFER SHEET Messrs. Our Ref. SEOUL We are pleased to offer the under mentioned article(s) as per conditions and details described as follows: Item No. Commodity & D...
SEOUL KOREA Advice of Transfer Gentlemen:We are pleased to advise you that the above transferred Letter of Credit Has been as follows:Amount:Latest shipping date:Expiry date:Describove...
SEOUL,KOREA SEOUL, KOREA Advice of Transfer Gentlemen:We are pleased to advise you that the above transferred Letter of Credit Has been as follows:Amount:Latest shipping date:Expirou...