Award Announcement P R E S S R E L E A S E FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Wins of won given by . was chosen from a select group of talented because of . specializes in for . . For more information contact at . Example: Award Announcement P R E S S R E L E A S E FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: John Q. Public (○) ○ ○ Voice (○) ○ ○ Fax January ○ ○ Holden Wins Entrepreneur of the Year Award Washington D.C. January ○ ○ Charles Holden President of ABC Computer Services won the ○ Entrepreneur of ...the Year award given by the Washington D.C. Chamber of Commerce. Holden was chosen from a select group of talented entrepreneurs because of the dramatic growth experienced by ABC under his leadership. Dissatisfied with his career at industry giant XYZ Corp Holden started ABC out of a spare bedroom in his house in ○. He worked on small contracts until ○ when General Motors hired his company to computerize a region of dealerships. Tha
서 식 명 : 수상발표문-영문
카테고리 :패키지.모음서식
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서식조회 : 119
다운로드 : 161
문서번호 : 57-FO-64936