영문영수증Receipt Receipt Receipt No. Payee Name: Address: City, ST ZIP Code: Payer Name: Address: City, ST ZIP Code: Date Description Amount Subtotal Tax Total Receipt No. Paye...
○ 매입영수증(영문) RECEIPT OF BID Date To: Dear: We have received your bid submitted in accordance with our RFB No. .The closing date for the bids is .Accordingly, we wi...
간이영수증 (영문) ○ IB RECEIPT (For Provided) OOOO.O.O. Based on: Value Added Tax Act article ○, clauses ○ Volume Number P r o v i d e r Registration No. Name of Corp. ㈜OOOO Name OOO (인) rticle...
영문입금확인증 Receipt Confirmation Supplier accept Deposit Order No. Order Name. Supplier Registration No. Company Name Company Location Status Lines of business Receipt Date ReceipSupplier...
근로소득원천징수영수증 영문 [Tax Form ○(○)] (page○) □ Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Taxes Withholding □ Statement on Wage & Salary Income Payment (Copy to report by issuer) Control Nxes...
양도취소통고(영문) NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF ASSIGNMENT Date To: On ,you were notified that assigned all his or her interest and benefit in the following: Interest was ified...
근로소득원천징수영수증(영문○) RECEIPT FOR EARNED INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING Control No. RESPONSIBLE PERSON FOR TAX WITHHOLDING ○. Business Registration No.: ○. Name of Corporation: ○. Name of RepreLE...
원천징수영수증,지급조서 [별지제○호서식(○)](○.○.○개정) (제○쪽) □ 원천징수 영수증 Receipt of Tax withheld □ 지 급 조 서 Payment Report (발행자보고용) (For Report of Issuer) ※관리번호 Control Number 거 주 구 분 Residential Classi급...
상품 출하 통지서 (영문) Amugae Sangsa Co. OO Dong, OO Ku Seoul OOO OOO Korea Ref OO OOO November OO, ○OO Mr. Robert Redford ABC Co. Oth Avenue New York, NYOOOOO USA Dear Mr. Redford, Pleaseovember...
부동산매매계약서(영문) REAL ESTATE PROPERTY SALES OF AGREEMENT The buyer and the seller, both parties will accept the following terms and conditions. ○. Indication of the real estate propertoth...
○ 고용계약서샘플 영문 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement for Employment is made [DATE], by and between [NAME]("Employer") and [NAME]("Employee"). For good and valuable by...
【국세청민원사무처리규정 제○호 서식】(○.○.○ 개정) 발 급 번 호 Issuance number 납 세 사 실 증 명 Certificate o ...
군인연금 어디서나 민원처리 신청서 접수기관 전화번호 팩스번호 신 청 인 성 명 연금번호 주민등록 번 호 전화번호 주 소 신청대상 민 원 선 택 종 류 부 수 급여결정통지서 군인연금수급권자 확인서 (□한글, □영문) 군인연금증서 소득세 원천징수영수증 (□퇴직, □연금) 용 도 서류제출기관 군인연금법시행규칙 제○조에 의해 위종...
SAMPLE CONFIRMATION OF VERBAL ORDER Date: [Date] To: [Addressee] Dear [Name]: Th ...
SAMPLE CONFIRMATION OF VERBAL ORDER Date: [Date] To: [Addressee] Dear [Name]: Th ...
영문 팩스용지 ○ ○BIZ CO. LTD(회사이름영문) 회사주소 영문으로 To:Fax:Company:받을사람회사주소를 영문으로 From:보내는사람의 이름을 영문으로 Subject:팩스의제목을 입력한다. Date:Pages:페이지수를 기록(including this cover sheet) 내용을 입력한다.