DIRECTION TO PAY DIRECTION TO PAY ────────────────────────────────────────── This letter may be used to direct your debtors to pay the proceeds due you to a third party. This may be used as part of a financing plan for the purchase of goods or products. Date To: You are hereby directed to pay to [name of person who will receive the payment], Assignee, all sums of money currently due me as the result of: [Describe the account in question.] Accordingly, all payments to be made under the above desc ...ribed account should be addressed to the named Assignee until you receive other directions. Assignor Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested
서 식 명 : 지불지시 (영문)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 29
다운로드 : 196
문서번호 : 74C-BA-87299