영문이력서샘플 Cover Letter ○/○ ○ ○, Wonmi ○ dong Wonmigu Puchon city, Konggi South Korea ○ ○ ○ I was born on April ○, ○ in Kongju,South Chung chong Province.I lived there with my parentsea...
영문이력서샘플(○) Hyunjun Joo ○ Jurae ○Dong, Sasang Gu Date of birth:○/○/○ Pusan, Korea, ○ ○ Sex:Male Tel:(○) ○ ○ Marital status:single Mobil:○ ○ ○ Nationality:Korea OBJECTIVE An entry le,...
영문이력서샘플(○) Chulsoo Kim ○ Sankyuk dong, Puk Gu Dates of Birth: ○/○/○ Jenju, Korea, ○ ○ Sex: male Tel: (○)○ ○ Marit...
영문이력서샘플(○) R E S U M E Yoon, Young don ○ ○ BongHwa ○dong Kangseo gu, Seoul Phone:○ ○ ○ ○ BIRTH DATE:○ct. ○, ○ S E X:male OBJECTIVE:Secretary QUALIFICATIONS:Professional training in:○...
○ 간부사원고용동의서 영문 SAMPLE EXECUTIVE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This Executive Employment Agreement ("Agreement") is made and effective this [date], by and between [company] ("greement...
○ 양해각서○(영문) ○?z MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) represented by its President, Moo Sub Kang, Ph. D. and C...
○ 양해각서○(영문) ○?z Agreement of Cooperation between the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training and the National Institute of Educational Cooperation The Natir...
○ 고용계약서샘플 영문 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement for Employment is made [DATE], by and between [NAME]("Employer") and [NAME]("Employee"). For good and valuable by...
기업영문자료 법인등기부등본 Corporation Register No. of Registry: Registration no.: Firm Name: ABC Main Office:○ ○, Yeoksam dong, Kangnam gu, Seoul (Amended on October ○, ○ and registered on Oc:...
기업영문자료 납세증명원 Application for Certificate of Tax Payment ISSUE NO.:○ Firm Name:ABC Co., Ltd. Business Registration NO.: ○ ○ ○ Name of Representative.: Hong, Gil Dong Resident RegistC...
○ 양해각서○(영문 국문) ○ Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education nal,...
○ 베타테스트동의서샘플 영문 SAMPLE BETA TEST AGREEMEN○T This Beta Test Agreement ("Agreement") is made and effective this [date], by and between name of developer] ("Developer&qement")...
○ 기밀유지동의서샘플 영문 SAMPLE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT This Confidentiality Agreement ("Agreement") is made and effective the [day, month and year] by onfidentiality...
조세감면내용변경신청서 [별지 제○호서식] (○.○.○. 개정) 외국인투자 □조세감면신청서 □조세감면내용변경신청서 처 리 기 간 ○ 일 외국투자가 ①상호 또는 명칭 (영문) ②국적 ③외국인투자기업명 (영문) ④사 업 자 등록번호 외국인투 자 내 용 ⑤신고된 사업 ⑥신 고 일 ⑦주식등의 취득총액 원 (USD 상당) ⑧주식등의...
신용카드분실 (영문) (SAMPLE) LOST CREDIT CARD NOTICE ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○; ○;...
대리인위임장(한영문) 대리인 위임장 O O O 귀하 위임일자:○OO년 O월 O일 OO시 OO구 OO동 OO번지 (TEL:OOO OOO OOOO) 신 청 자 제 조 자:대 표 자:(인) 주 소:전 화:팩 스:담 당 자:위의 신청자는 한국전기전자시험연구원 전기용품 안전인증업무규정 제○조에 의거 전기용품 안전인증신청을 대리인에...
일반적인 근무수칙 (영문) Sample of General Work Rules ────────────────────────────────────────── JnB Inc. wants to encourage a safe and pleasant work atmosphere. This can only happen when e───────...
언론사보도자료(신제품) (영문) New Product Announcement P R E S S R E L E A S E FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: <contact's name> <contact's phone number> <contact's fax number, op...
언론사보도자료(세미나) (영문) Meeting/Seminar Announcement P R E S S R E L E A S E FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: <contact's name> <contact's phone number> <contact's fax numberIATE...
언론사보도자료(서비스) (영문) New Service Announcement P R E S S R E L E A S E FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: <contact's name> <contact's phone number> <contact's fax number, op...