건강진단서 (영문) (○) CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH NAME:Age:Sex:M ○; F Date of Birth:Address:Ⅰ. PHYSICAL EXAMINTAION:HEIGHT cm WEIGHT Kg DISTANT VISION:Uncorrected Rt. Corrected Rt. Lt. Lt. COLⅠ....
건강진단서 (영문) (○) CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH NAME:Age:Sex:M ○; F Date of Birth:Address:Ⅰ. PHYSICAL EXAMINTAION:HEIGHT cm WEIGHT Kg DISTANT VISION:Uncorrected Rt. Corrected Rt. Lt. Lt. COLⅠ....
재직증명서 (영문유학서류) CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT Item No:○OO OO Personal Data Name in Full:Hong, Kill Dong ID No:OOOOOO OOOOOOO Address:#○, OOOO dong, OOOO gu, OOOOl, KOREA Employment Datall:Hong,...
[○ E ○ 형식승인증서기재사항변경(재교부)신청] [○ E ○ 형식승인증서기재사항변경(재교부)신청] [별지제○호서식] (앞쬭) 형식승인증서기재사항변경 ○;재교부신청서 처리기간 ○일 ①형 식 승 인 번 호 ②품 명 ③ 형식 및 규 격 ○;용량 ④영업소의 위치 및 명칭 한글 영문 ⑤제작 ○;제조소의 위치 및 명 칭 한글 영문항변경...
형식승인증서기재사항변경?재교부신청서 [○ E ○ 형식승인증서기재사항변경(재교부)신청] [별지 제○호서식] (앞쪽) 형식승인증서기재사항변경 ○;재교부신청서 처리기간 ○일 ①형식승인번호 ②품 명 ③형식 및 규격 ○;용량 ④영업소의 위치 및 명칭 한글 영문 ⑤제작 ○;제소의 위치 및 명칭 한글 영문 ⑥신 청 사 유 해양오염방지교부신청서...
영문이력서샘플(○) RESUME Bob Smith ○ XYZ Avenue London ○ ○ ○ bsmith@nowhere.com Objective A position as a technical project manager for a U.S. company, working with database technologies ve...
영문이력서샘플(○) Sample Business/Marketing Resume Jeffrey Parker Permanent Address: Address Until May ○: ○ South Street ○ Davis Ave San Francisco, CA Los Angles, CA (○) ○ ○ (○) ○ ○ dress...
영문이력서샘플 Sample Technology Resume Jeremy B. Edwards ○ Woodmont Avenue New Wilmington, OH ○ (○) ○ ○ fbedward@intton,...
영문이력서(○) ○; ○;KIM ○ ○ Dae dong, Kyongsan, Kyongbuk, ○ ○ ○ ○ ○/○ ○ ○ e mail:yukim@yu.ac.kr 사 진 Objective Executive Secretary Education ○ Present Hankook Career Development Institm@yu.ac.kr...
영문출생증명서(Birth Certificate) Birth Certificate Babys Full Name: Date of Birth(Month/Day/Year): Time of Birth: Sex(Male/Female): Place of Birth(Hospital/Private Clinic/Birth Center/Hoh/Day/Year):...
기업영문자료 납세증명서 Certificate of Tax Payment Issue No.:○ Taxpayer Firm Name:ABC Corp. Name of Representative: Hong, Gil Dong Business Registration No.: ○ ○ ○ Type of Business: Financial...
납세증명서 영문 Certificate of Tax Payment Issue No.:○ Taxpayer Firm Name:ABC Corp. Name of Representative: Hong, Gil Dong Business Registration No.: ○ ○ ○ Type of Business: Financial Sere...
납세사실증명원(영문) Issue No. CERTIFICATE OF V.A.T. PAYMENT Remarks ○ Immediately Incomer Address Firm's Address Telephone No. Name of Company Registration No. Name in full ID No. Kind of r...
영문이력서샘플(○) COVER LETTER ○ ○, Taehung Dong, Mapo Gu, Seoul ○ ○ ○ March ○,○ Director of Personnel G.E.Korea Ltd. Namsan Bldg. ○ ○ Kwang Hwa Mun, Seoul Dear Sirs, I am replying to youor...
영문이력서샘플(○) COVER LETTER ○ ○ Ahyun ○ dong Mapo gu Seoul April ○,○ Personnel Manager Hyunmi Business Corporation ○ ○ Chongno ○ga Chongno gu Seoul Dear Personnel Manager: I am writinger...
영문이력서샘플(○) COVER LETTER ○ ○ Chang dong Dobong gu Seoul April ○, ○ Personnel Manger ○ ○ Chongno ○ga Chongno gu Seoul Dear Personnel Manager: Having served for the past three years aer...
○ 이력서○ 영문 GILDONG KIM ○dong ○ ○, ○/○, GangNam, Seoul ○ ○ ○ ○ ○/○ ○ ○ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ObjectiveExecutive Secretary Education ○ PresentHankook Career━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━...