거주자증명서 【별지 제○호 서식】 RESIDENT CERTIFICATE For the Purpose of Double Taxation Convention between Kingdom of Belgium and the Republic of Korea Ⅰ. Korean Payer of Income Address Name Ⅱ. Beneficial Owner of Income Address Name Ⅲ. Description of Income Nature of Income Date of Payment Accrual Period of Income Amount of Income Interest Dividends Royalties The undersigned Belgian tax office certifies that the beneficial owner of income is a resident of Belgium. Date, signature and stamp of the office
서 식 명 : 거주자증명서 (영문)
카테고리 :민원행정서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 55
다운로드 : 263
문서번호 : D5F-F3-78398