영문 클레임 (선적지연) May ○, ○ Dear Mr. Ha : We would like to draw your attention to our order No. ○ which should have reached us two weeks ago. As you have informed us that you could ship the goods, due to urgent need on our side, by the vessel scheduled to sail on May. ○, ○xx, we made contracts with local customers to deliver the goods by the end of May. Of course, you have a few days left until ther shipment date specified in the L/C. However, we are experiencing serious problems and have received nu ...merous complaints from our domestic customers because we could not meet our delivery date. Please let us know if you can send the shipment by the next direct vessel available within the stipulated time. Otherwise, we shall have to cancel the order as we can not wait any longer. We are sure that you will pay prompt attention to this letter. Yours truly, Arthur O. Brown Advisor ☞ 내용해설 : 선적지연에 대한 클레임 제기 신용장조건상에는 아직 선적일이 며칠 여유가 있지만 수출업자가 ○월 ○일 출항하는 직항선에 선적하겠다는 약속을 이행하지 않는 것에 대해 이의를 제기하...
서 식 명 : 영문 클레임(선적지연)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 48
다운로드 : 200
문서번호 : B96-35-87229