WHEREBY IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS : DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT This Distributor Agreememt (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on this day of ○ by and among: (the "Manufacturer") AND [ ] (the "Distributor"), WHEREBY IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS : ○. APPOINTMENT ○.○ The Manufacturer hereby appoints the Distributor and the Distributor hereby acc ...epts appointment as its exclusive distributor in [ ] (the "Territory") for the sale, distribution and servicing of its products as defined in section ○. ○ below subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. ○.○ The Distributor shall not represent itself in any warehouse to be the agent of the Manufacturer, nor incur any liability on behalf of the Manufacturer. ○.○ The Distributor shall not (i) establish any branch, warehouse or distribution center for the products ou...
서 식 명 : distributor agreement
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 18
다운로드 : 170
문서번호 : E77-5F-87217