Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET)
represented by its President, Moo-Sub Kang, Ph. D.
Central Institute of Vocational and Technical Education (CIVTE)
represented by its Director, Mr. Huang Yao
The Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) and the Central Institute of Vocational and Technical Education (CIVTE) agree to cooperate in the following ways:
exploring the possibility of jointly sponsored research in human resources development and vocational education and training;
exploring the possibility of collaborating in organizing international activities, such as conferences, seminars, workshops and training programs;
exchanging policy, research and technical reports and other published information produced by each party;
exchanging various statistics related to vocational education and training and other quantitative data;
exploring the possibility of staff exchange with the aim of fostering the development of human resources of the two organizations; and
encouraging the research staff to participate in international activities, such as conferences, seminars, workshops and training programs organized by the other party.
In addition, the two organizations have agreed upon the following stipulations:
This Memorandum of Understanding will enter into force on the date of signature by both KRIVET and CITVE with an initial validity of four years. It will be automatically extended for subsequent periods of two years, unless either Party notifies the other, in writing six months in advance, of its intention to terminate this Memorandum of Understanding.
This Memorandum of Understanding may be modified by mutually agreed letters of amendment.
This Memorandum is signed in six original copies, two in Korean, two in Chinese and two in English on the 12th day of April 2002 in the city of Beijing, China.
Huang Yao Director Central Institute of Vocational and Technical Education (CIVTE)
Moo-Sub Kang, Ph. D. President Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET)
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