○ 양해각서○(영문) ○?z Agreement of Cooperation between the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training and the National Institute of Educational Cooperation The National Institute of Educational Cooperation of Venezuela, from now on denominated INCE, in this act represented by their President, Lic Milagros Martinez Huen and Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, from now on denominated KRIVET, represented in this act by their President, Dr. Moo Sub Kang, r
...esolve to sign the present document agreeing to the following Clauses and conditions, for operative ends: Clause ONE The objective of this Agreement is to define the areas and modes of cooperation between the KRIVET and the INCE (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties"). Clause TWO Technical cooperation between the two Parties may be developed in the following ways: ○; Mutually providing and accepting consultation for advisory purposes and/or for the elaboration of collaborative proj...
서 식 명 : 영문양해각서 (MOU Memorandum of Understanding)(1)
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문서번호 : 8CC-EF-87415
TAG : #영문 #양해 #각서
영문양해각서 (MOU Memorandum of Understanding)(1)외국어서식 > 영문서식
○ 양해각서○(영문) ○?z Agreement of Cooperation between the Korea Research Institute fo ...

조회 : 145다운로드 : 399
영문양해각서 (MOU Memorandum of Understanding)(2)외국어서식 > 영문서식
○ 양해각서○(영문) ○?z MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Korea Research Institute for ...

조회 : 706다운로드 : 883
한글영문 양해각서 (MOU Memorandum of Understanding)외국어서식 > 영문서식
○ 양해각서○(영문 국문) ○ Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations Educatio ...

조회 : 337다운로드 : 595