영문추천서(해외취업시) July ○, ○ Dear Sir: It is a pleasure to recommend Mr. Kil Dong, Hong, who has been assistant manager in our General Commodity Department for the past three years. When I heard that he was interested in further study in your MBA program, I encouraged him. I believe that such a postgraduate education will be productive, not only for his future career, but also for his company. Now, many Korean companies, including us as a general trading company need professional managers who have acq
...uired their skills and knowledge with a global prospective. I have worked closely with him for last three years and I find that he is a fine administrator and possesses the kind of leadership qualities which can make him an asset any business organization. His period of service with us was highly satisfactory. He always impressed me with his logical reasoning and insightful opinions on the issue of international business affairs. I am confident that Mr. Hong has sufficient background to particip...
영문추천서 (해외취업)외국어서식 > 영문서식
영문추천서(해외취업시) July ○, ○ Dear Sir: It is a pleasure to recommend Mr. Kil Dong, Hon ...

조회 : 252다운로드 : 312
추천서 (취업,입사,이직,업무추천)회사서식 > 인사/노무
추천서 추 천 서 성 명: O O O 부서/직책: 개발팀 기술팀장 담당업무: SMS 관련 개발업무 위사람은 본 회사에서 개발기술팀장으로 ○년간의 ...

조회 : 599다운로드 : 742
연수 취업추천서회사서식 > 인사/노무
연수취업추천서 연수취업추천서 ㅇ추천인 추천업체명 대표자성명 주민등록번호 전화번호 주 소 ㅇ피추천인 : 명 국 적 성 명 성별 외국인등록번호 여권 ...

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조회 : 126다운로드 : 391
추천서(영문)외국어서식 > 영문서식

조회 : 73다운로드 : 201