Customs Invoice 캐 나 다 세 관 용 송 장 CANADA CUSTOMS INVOICE FACTURE DES DOUANES CANADIENNES page of de ○. Vendor (Name and Address/Vendeur (Nom et Adresse) ○. Date of Direct Shipment to Canada/Date d' axp ○;dition directe vers leCanada ○. Other References(include Purchaser's Order No.) Autres r ○;f ○;rences(inclure le n。 de commande de l'acheteur) ○. Consignee (Name and Address)/Destinataire(Nom et adresse) ○. Purchaser's Name and Address (If other than Consignee) Nom et adresse de l'a ...cheteur(S'il diff ○;re du destinataire) ○. Country of Transhipment/Pays de transbordement ○. Country of Origin of Goods Paysd' origine des machandises IF SHIPMENT INCLUDES GOODS OF DIFFERENT ORIGINS ENTER ORIGINS AGAINST ITEMS IN ○ SL LEXPEDITION COMPREND DES MARCHANDISES D'ORIGINES DIFFERENTES PRECISER LEUR PROVENANCE EN ○ ○. Transportation Give Mode and Place of Direct Shipment to Canada Transport Pr ○;ciser mode et point d'exp ○;dition directe vers le Canada ○. Conditions of Sale and Terms of...
서 식 명 : 캐나다세관용송장
카테고리 :회사서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 103
다운로드 : 131
문서번호 : 8C-FO-64774