채용조회요구 (영문) EMPLOYMENT REFERENCE REQUEST Date: To: Dear: has applied for a buyer position in our purchasing department and has listed your company as a former employer. Accordingly, we are requesting a reference on the applicant including but not limited to the dates the applicant was employed by your company, the date he or she terminated employment, a rating on his or her performance of duties, and the reason the applicant left your employment. In addition, would your ... company rehire him or her? If not, please explain why. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Enclosed is a consent form executed by the applicant. Sincerely, Personnel Director
서 식 명 : 채용조회요구 (영문)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 18
다운로드 : 168
문서번호 : 809-56-87294