General Terms and conditions GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ○. DEFINITIONS As used in these terms and conditions : a) "Order" means the Purchase Order and all attachments, exhibits and documents referenced therein and all terms and conditions thereof, together with any subsequent modifications thereto. b) "Product(s)" means any materials, machinery, equipment, article, item, services or work provided for in the order. c) "Vendor" means the person, firm, company or cor ...poration to whom the Order is issued. d) "Buyer" means ○ or agent for ○. e) "Owner" means ○ for whom the Products are purchased or leased under the Order. f) "Sub Vendor" means the person, firm, or corporation who supplies Vendor with the Products which are used by Vendor in connection with the Order. ○. ACCEPTANCE OF PURCHASE ORDERS The Order is conditioned on Vendor's acceptance of all terms and conditions thereof. Vendor shall be deemed to have accepted and be bo...
서 식 명 : 거래조건협정서 (영문서식)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 32
다운로드 : 197
문서번호 : 5F7-BE-87241