輸入貨物引取保??申?書 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ (LETTER OF GUARANTEE) Date : ①Shipping Co. ④Number of Credit ⑤L/G No. ⑥Number of B/L ②Shipper ⑦Vessel Name ⑧Arrival Date ⑨Voyage No. ③Invoice Value ⑩Port of Loading ⑪Port of Discharge ⑫Nos. & Marks ⑬Packages ⑭Description of Goods In consideration of your granting us delivery of the above mentioned cargo which we declare has been shipped to our consignment but Bills of Lading which have not been received we hereby engage to deliver you the said Bills of Lading as so ...on as we receive them and we further guarantee to indemnify yourselves and/or the owners of the said vessel against any claims that may be made by other parties on account of the aforesaid cargo and to pay to you on demand any freight or other charges that may be due here or that may have remained unpaid at the port of shipment in respect to the above mentioned goods. In the event of the Bills of Lading for the cargo herein mentioned being hypothecated to any other bank
서 식 명 : 수입화물인수보증장자료 (일어)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 15
다운로드 : 103
문서번호 : 5CA-23-87758