흡수합병 발표(Announcement of a merger) 흡수합병 발표(Announcement of a merger) ──────────────────────────────── As rumor has it that we would be taken over by AAA Inc. sooner or A later, the Management and the major shareholders unanimously agreed and accepted today the offer by AAA Inc. Our common shares will be purchased by a financial consortium at $○.○ a share. The transactions should be completed by October ○. AAA Inc. will be our parent company and we will be its wholly owned subsidiary as of Novembe ...r ○. The changeover will start on November ○ and will end on December ○. We expect there will be no employee layoff during the changeover period. To increase profitability, however, some unproductive workers will be reappraised as the parent company starts installing automated systems.
서 식 명 : 흡수합병발표 (영문)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 39
다운로드 : 171
문서번호 : 0AC-49-87275