계약의추가 영문 SAMPLE ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT HEREBY MODIFIES AND SUPERSEDES the contract entered into between [first party's name] and [second party's name]. A copy of the contract is attached as an exhibit. The modifications are as follows: [list modified terms, with particularity] These modications are mutually agreed to by the contracting parties, and are supported by legal consideration. The remaining terms of the contact are unchanged by this agreement. Date: [date] signed: ... name: (first party) signed: name: (second party) signed: name: (witness) signed: name: (witness)
서 식 명 : 계약의추가(영문)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 19
다운로드 : 169
문서번호 : 061-09-87411