무역클레임서신 (영문) June ○, ○ Dear Mr. Ha : We regret to have to call your attention to order No. ○ covering ○,○sets of R ○ robots which has not reached us yet. As you notified us, we contacted the company in charge of handling the consignment on May ○, but they did not know about it at all. According to your shipping advice, the consignment should be in our hands by now, but we don't know what's wrong with it. It is our opinion that there must have been some mistake commited by the shipping company. W ...e are receiving complaints from our local agents now for not supplying them with the goods as contracted, and we therefore, want you to ckeck up on this matter with the manufacturer or shipping company immediately. We look forward to hearing from you on this matter right away. Yours truly, Arthur O. Brown Advisor ☞ 내용해설 : 제품의 미도착에 대한 클레임 제기 수입업자는 수출업자가 통보한 선적통지를 받았음에도 불구하고 아직 제품이 도착하지 않았음을 알리고 이에 대한 조속한 해결을 요청하는 통신문이다. ☞ 용어해설 ○;in charge of : 책임이 있는 ○;hand ... over to ... : ...을 ...
서 식 명 : 영문 클레임 (제품 미도착)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 23
다운로드 : 174
문서번호 : 02F-6C-87230