재직증명서 (비자용 영문) Incumbent Certificates Use: visa application Name:(자기이름) Position:(직책) Date of Employment:(입사일) Resident Registration No.:(주민등록번호) Address:(현주소) This is to certify t:(직책)...
재직증명서 (영문 ○) Certificate of Employment Issue No.:○OO Name in Full:Hong, Kill Dong Date of Birth:Mar O ○OO Period of Employment:Apr O ○OO up to now Position:Assistant Manager Organig...
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○ 재직증명서○ 영문 Certificate of Employment Issue No.:○OO Name in Full:Hong, Kill Dong Date of Birth:Mar O ○OO Period of Employment:Apr O ○OO up to now Position:Assistant Manager Organiz...
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재학증명서(영문서식) CERTIFICATE OF ENROLLMENT Address:#○, sung dang, nam gu, Daegu, KOREA Name in Full:Hong, Kill Dong Date of Birth:Feb. ○, ○ This is to certify that the above mentioned pA...
영문 성적증명서 ♣ H I G H S C H O O L ♣ S e o u l,K o r e a I s s u e N o:D a t e:..○ T R A N S C R I P T O F S C H
영문 졸업증명서 HIGH SCHOOL Seoul, korea Issue No. Date:CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATION To:whom it may concern:Name in Full:Date of Birth:Date of Enrollment:Date of Graduation:I here by certifyom...
제○쪽 ■ 소득세법 시행규칙 [별지 제○호의○서식] <개정 ○.○.○> 주택담보 노후연금 이자비용증명서 신청인 ① 성 명 ② 주민등록번호 ⑤ 주 소 (☎ :)④ 취급기관 ⑤가입 당시 주택기준시가 원()년도 주택담보노후연금이자비용 발생현황 ⑥월별 ⑦발생일자 ⑧이자비용 ⑨월별 ⑩발생일자 ⑪이자비용 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○번호...