영문이력서(○) ○; ○;KIM ○ ○ Dae dong, Kyongsan, Kyongbuk, ○ ○ ○ ○ ○/○ ○ ○ e mail:yukim@yu.ac.kr 사 진 Objective Executive Secretary Education ○ Present Hankook Career Development Institm@yu.ac.kr...
선교사이력서자료추가기록신청서 선교사 인사(이력서) 자료 추가 기록 신청서 성 명 한글:생 년 월 일 영문:주민등록번호 선교사님의 인사에 대한 모든 자료를 기록해 주시기 바랍니다. 이력서 추가 사항 시는 가급적이면 ○하 원칙에 의한 기록에 충실해 주세요 주의:본 건은 반드시 본 서면으로 제출되어야 사역국 인사관리과에서 인사든...
영문이력서샘플(○) RESUME Bob Smith ○ XYZ Avenue London ○ ○ ○ bsmith@nowhere.com Objective A position as a technical project manager for a U.S. company, working with database technologies ve...
영문이력서샘플(○) Sample Business/Marketing Resume Jeffrey Parker Permanent Address: Address Until May ○: ○ South Street ○ Davis Ave San Francisco, CA Los Angles, CA (○) ○ ○ (○) ○ ○ dress...
영문이력서샘플(○) COVER LETTER ○ ○, Taehung Dong, Mapo Gu, Seoul ○ ○ ○ March ○,○ Director of Personnel G.E.Korea Ltd. Namsan Bldg. ○ ○ Kwang Hwa Mun, Seoul Dear Sirs, I am replying to youor...
영문이력서샘플(○) COVER LETTER ○ ○ Chang dong Dobong gu Seoul April ○, ○ Personnel Manger ○ ○ Chongno ○ga Chongno gu Seoul Dear Personnel Manager: Having served for the past three years aer...
○ 이력서○ 영문 GILDONG KIM ○dong ○ ○, ○/○, GangNam, Seoul ○ ○ ○ ○ ○/○ ○ ○ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ObjectiveExecutive Secretary Education ○ PresentHankook Career━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━...
계약의추가 영문 SAMPLE ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT HEREBY MODIFIES AND SUPERSEDES the contract entered into between [first party's name] and [second party's name]. A copy of the DES...
영문출생증명서(Birth Certificate) Birth Certificate Babys Full Name: Date of Birth(Month/Day/Year): Time of Birth: Sex(Male/Female): Place of Birth(Hospital/Private Clinic/Birth Center/Hoh/Day/Year):...
납세사실증명원(영문) Issue No. CERTIFICATE OF V.A.T. PAYMENT Remarks ○ Immediately Incomer Address Firm's Address Telephone No. Name of Company Registration No. Name in full ID No. Kind of r...
의장출원의뢰서 의장출원의뢰서 ○. 출원인 인적 사항:(출원인이 모든 권리를 가짐) 담당자 직책 Tel H.P. Fax e mail 출원인 성명 (법인일 경우, 법인명) 국문 영문 주민등록번호 (법인일 경우, 법인등록번호) ○. 창작자(의장물을 실질적으로 디자인한 자) 인적사항 창작자 성명 국문 영문 창작자 주민등록번호 창(법인일...
재직증명서 (영문유학서류) CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT Item No:○OO OO Personal Data Name in Full:Hong, Kill Dong ID No:OOOOOO OOOOOOO Address:#○, OOOO dong, OOOO gu, OOOOl, KOREA Employment Datall:Hong,...
영문 연하장 연하장 y ○. Holiday Greeting and Best Wishes for the New Year 希望찬 새아침에 健康과 幸運을 祈願하오며 새해에도 변함없는 聲援을 부탁드립니다. 새해 福많이 받으십시오. ○. Best wishes for A Merry Christmas and A Haapy New Ye運을...
소득공제신고서(영문) [Tax Form○] (page○) Report of Exemption & Deduction from Income/ Report of Exemption & Deduction from Wage & Salary Income (For the Year end Settlement of ○...
영문 회의록 MEETING MINUTES (회의록) ○. Time, Place & Attendants ○) Time and Period;○) Meeting Place;○) For ABC Company. For MME Company. ○. As a result of the meeting as indicateriod;○)...
예방접종표(영문) Certificate of Immunizations Name:Date of Birth:Sex:Address:Last First Miiddle Zip code:Country of Birth:Phone Number:Immunization Vaccine RECORD INDIVIDUAL DATES OF EACH...
해외 출장자 소개장 (영문) Dear Mr. Jackson, We would like to introduce Dr. Choi who is professor of Electrical Engineering at Han Guk University and also president of the Institute of Koreanfessor...
진술서샘플(영문) (○) (SAMPLE) AFFIDAVIT THIS INSTRUMENT HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES that the undersigned, [name], ("affiant"), residing at [address, city and state], is of legal age, andersigned,...