영문 커버레터 예문 영문 커버레터 예문 Sample Cover Letter ○: Conservative/ Formal This letter, sent to a human resources manager at a traditional firm, stays well within the boundaries of convention. The writer briefly outlines her skills and experience, shows she's done some research on the firm, says she'll be available, and closes. It's appropriate for the job she's seeking. ○ Highland Ave. State College, PA ○ Nov. ○, ○ Mr. Gerard Berger Manager of Human Resources Allen Investments Inc. ○ Collins Ave. Philad
...elphia, PA ○ Dear Mr. Berger: I am applying for the position of client account coordinator, which was advertised Aug. ○ with the career services center at The Pennsylvania State University. The position seems to fit very well with my education, experience, and career interests. According to the advertisement, your position requires excellent communication skills, computer literacy, and a B.S. degree in business, economics, or finance. I will be graduating from Penn State University this month wi...
서 식 명 : 영문 커버레터 예문3
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문서번호 : D08-98-86176
TAG : #영문 #커버 #레터 #예문
영문 커버레터 예문3생활서식 > 자기소개서
영문 커버레터 예문 영문 커버레터 예문 Sample Cover Letter ○: Conservative/ Formal This letter, s ...

조회 : 31다운로드 : 172
영문 커버레터 예문1생활서식 > 자기소개서
영문 커버레터 예문 영문 커버레터 예문 LETTER OF SELF INTRODUCTION Min Hyun Kang ○ ○ Daelim ○ Don ...

조회 : 25다운로드 : 168
영문 커버레터 예문2생활서식 > 자기소개서
영문 커버레터 예문 영문 커버레터 예문 Sample Cover Letter ○: Creative/ Informal This letter, sen ...

조회 : 26다운로드 : 205