영문 회의록 MEETING MINUTES (회의록) ○. Time, Place & Attendants ○) Time and Period ; ○) Meeting Place ; ○) For ABC Company. For MME Company. ○. As a result of the meeting as indicated above, both parties have caused this meeting minutes be recorded as follows ; ○) Resolved Issues The attached draft agreement dated December ○ includes all issues already resolved. ○) Open Issues The following three issues remain. The wording included in the draft agreement for these items is highlighted in the a ...reas remaining open. * Trade Mark ; Highlighted wording reflects ABC's proposal to MME, which is a departure from it's worldwide policy. MME is requested to review. This departure is conditioned on acceptance in essence of the noncompetition position below. This is also subject to approval by ABC's Trade Mark lawyers. * NonCompetition ; Highlighted wording reflects a compromise Position to which MME is to respond. * Royalty ; The highlighted areas reflect a negotiated compromise to be reviewed b...
서 식 명 : 영문회의록
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 173
다운로드 : 254
문서번호 : B9A-C2-87181