영문 근로계약서 Letter of Offer (Template) Casual / Hourly Paid Personnel IMPORTANT NOTICE! The information contained in this GUIDE should be read thoroughly before proceeding to complete this template. This template is intended to provide a guideline of necessary information which must be included in all offers. DATE: (Date of offer) ADDRESS: TO: (Candidate) I am very pleased to offer you the position of (position). The terms of the offer are as follows. [Note: where immigration documents such as a St ...udent and or Employment Authorization are , the offer should be made conditional upon the candidate obtaining these documents (Section ○.○ ? Conditional offers)]. CLASSIFICATION & STATUS (Sections ○.○, ○.○ & ○.○): ○. This will confirm your as (position), in the Department/College of , effective, (Month, date, year). This is a casual appointment for the period (Month, date, year) to (Month, date, year). OR ○. This will confirm your appointment as (position), in the Department/College of ,...
서 식 명 : 영문 근로계약서(Letter of Offer)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 218
다운로드 : 525
문서번호 : B91-5E-87173