SAMPLE NOTICE TO CANCEL DELAYED GOODS [date] [seller name] [seller address] Dear [contact name]: This letter is in regard to our order P.O. No. [purchase order number] placed on [date]. According to the contract all goods were to be shipped by [date] ○XX or as soon as reasonably possible under applicable law. Accordingly we hereby cancel our order as per our contract. We also reserve all additional remedies available under law. Please note that if any goods are in transit they will be refused up ...on delivery and returned at the seller's expense. Sincerely
서 식 명 : 비즈니스레터 (배달지연에대한취소) (영문)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 15
다운로드 : 115
문서번호 : 89C-AC-87373