○ 갑종근로소득세 영문비자 ○ PAYMENT CERTIFICATE OF INCOME TAX GRADE Issue No. TAX PAYER ○) Name of Tax Payer : ○) Resident ID No. : ○) Address : ○) Department : ○) Position : ○) Employment Period : TAX COLLECTOR ○) Firm Address : ○) Phone : ○) Firm Name : ○) Tax Payer No. : ○) Type of Business : ○) Representative : ○) Resident ID No. : ○) Use of Certificate : Student Authorization(VISA) ○) Copy : ○ This is to certify that the followings are exactly same as the original Income Tax Grade A, imposed on the ba ...sic source of earning under the provision of Article ○, Column ○ ( or Column ○ ) of the Regulation of Income Tax Law. Month○ Wage Tax Amount Date of Payment Month Wage Tax Amount Date of Payment ○ ○,○,○ ○,○ ○/○/○ ○ ○,○,○ ○,○ ○/○/○ ○ ○,○,○ ○,○ ○/○/○ TOTAL ○,○,○ ○,○ Please verify that I have paid as described above under the provision of Article ○ Column ○ ( or Column ○ ) of the regulati
서 식 명 : 갑종근로소득세원천징수확인서 (영문비자발급)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 133
다운로드 : 256
문서번호 : 472-30-87274