카타로그/정가표 보내기 카타로그/정가표 보내기 [LETTERHEAD] April ○, ○ Dear Mr. XXXX: Enclosed is a copy of our latest catalogue and price list. I would like to draw your attention in particular to our new range of stuffed toys specially produced for small children. We can offer you a special discount of ○% on all orders over $○. We hope you are pleased with our catalog and look forward to receiving your first order. Sincerely, Signature Hong Gil Dong Sales Manager
서 식 명 : 카타로그-정가표 보내기-영문
카테고리 :패키지.모음서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 131
다운로드 : 224
문서번호 : 3A-FO-64884