양도취소통고(영문) NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF ASSIGNMENT Date To: On , you were notified that assigned all his or her interest and benefit in the following: Interest was assigned to: Notice is hereby given that the stated assignment has been canceled by agreement between the parties. A copy of the cancellation agreement is attached. Accordingly, the undersigned is now the owner of any benefits, income, etc. of the subject of the previous assignment. All payments, etc. should be forwa ...rded to the undersigned at: Assignor Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested
서 식 명 : 양도취소통고 (영문)
카테고리 :외국어서식
서식포멧 :
서식조회 : 19
다운로드 : 184
문서번호 : 23A-0E-87346