재직증명서 (비자용 영문) Incumbent Certificates Use: visa application Name:(자기이름) Position:(직책) Date of Employment:(입사일) Resident Registration No.:(주민등록번호) Address:(현주소) This is to certify t:(직책)...
재직증명서 (영문 ○) Certificate of Employment Issue No.:○OO Name in Full:Hong, Kill Dong Date of Birth:Mar O ○OO Period of Employment:Apr O ○OO up to now Position:Assistant Manager Organig...
재직증명서 (영문 ○) EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE Document No. OO OOO Full Name Date of Birth Resident ID No. Place of Origin Present Address Employment Period This is to certify that the above Resident...
포장명세서(영문) (○) PACKING LIST ① Shipper/Exporter ⑧ No.& Date of Invoice ⑨ Remarks:② For Account & Risk of Messrs. ③ Notify Party ④ Port of Loading ⑤ Final Destination ⑥ Carrieks:②...
재직증명서 (영문 ○) Certificate of Employment No. Personal Data Name in full:K.I.D. No:Present Address:Employment Data Working Section:Position:Period of Working:Usage:This is to certify Present...
재직증명서 (영문 ○) CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT Name in full:OOO OOO OOO Position:OOOO Name of Company:OOOO Period:OOOO This is to certify that above mentioned person is presently employed me...
퇴직증명서 (영문) Certificate of Retirement No.:OOOO Present Address:OOO OOO OOO OOO Name in full:OOO OOO OOO K.I.D. No:OOOO Working Section:OOOO Position:OOOO Date of Admission:O. O, ○OOme...
재직증명서 (영문) Issue No.:OO Certificate of Employment Personal Data Name in Full:ID No.:OOOOOO OOOOOO Address:Position:Teacher Duration of Service:Oct O, ○OO Aug O, ○OO(Present) Use:No.:OOOOOO...
○ 매입영수증(영문) RECEIPT OF BID Date To: Dear: We have received your bid submitted in accordance with our RFB No. .The closing date for the bids is .Accordingly, we wi...
기업영문자료 사업자등록증 Certificate Of Business Registration Registration No.: Firm Name:abc Corp. Name of Representative: Hong, Gil Dong Date of Establishment: March ○, ○ Business Registratbc...
○ 급여지급내역서 영문 CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENT NAME:OOO, OOO OOO RESIDENT NO.:OOOOOO OOOOOO ADDERSS: JOB DESCRIPTION:OOOOOO We hereby certify that the person above has been paid the following...
구매주문서 (영문) ① ②Messrs. PURCHASE ORDER ③Your Ref................................. ④OurRef................................... ⑤Date & Place............................. ⑥Dear Sirs④OurRef......................................
영문견적서(Estimate Sheet) Estimate Sheet OOO CO., Ltd ○F, OOO B/D, ○ ○, Samsung Dong, Kangnam gu, Seoul, Korea ○ ○ Tel:+○ ○ ○ ○ Fax:+○ ○ ○ ○ Email:xxx@xxx.xxx Site:http:www.xxx.xxx Dat,...
○ 간단이력서 영문 Name Position Contact Office Location Phone e mail Homepage Education Research interests Current Research Representative Recent Publications Teaching Interests Professio...
○ 이력서○ 영문 RESUME Name:Date of birth:Place of birth:Marital Status:Sex:Telephone Number:Permanent Address:Present Address:Education:Fed. ○ will graduate from Department of Low, nawoNumber:Permanent...
퇴직증명서(영문) Certificate of Retirement No.:OOOO Present Address: OOO OOO OOO OOO Name in full: OOO OOO OOO K.I.D. No: OOOO Working Section:OOOO Position: OOOO Date of Admission: O. O,me...
재직증명서(영문○) 재직증명서 CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT Name in full:OOO OOO OOO Position:OOOO Name of Company:OOOO Period:OOOO This is to certify that above mentioned person is presently emploO...
영문재직증명서 Certificate of Employment No.:OOOO Personal Data Name in full: OOO OOO OOO K.I.D. No: OOO Present Address: OOO OOO OOO OOO Employment Data Working Section: OOOO Position: OOO...